Working with
others for change
Sixteen projects are being funded to support Canada's path to achieving net-zero by 2050.

Research for Canada’s pathway to net-zero
To support the mandate of the Net-Zero Advisory Body related to research, 16 projects are being undertaken with the financial support of the Government of Canada. Funding is being provided through the Environmental Damages Funds’ Climate Action and Awareness Fund, administered by Environment and Climate Change Canada.
A Call for Proposals was launched in spring 2022 with research themes identified by the NZAB using their targeted lines of inquiry.
$10 million in funding allocated to projects that align with our four research themes
Defining the future systems required for net-zero
Obstacles on the pathways to net-zero
Distributional impacts of the pathways to net-zero on workers, and their families and communities
Motivating net-zero action
This investment will help catalyze climate change research and analysis by Canadian think tanks, academic institutions, and other research groups across Canada by addressing sectoral knowledge gaps and crosscutting net-zero themes.
These projects aim to identify, accelerate, and evaluate mitigation actions that can help Canada achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

Compete and succeed in a net zero future
Concrete solutions that the Government of Canada should implement to ensure that Canada benefits from a carbon-neutral global economy, accelerates the achievement of a carbon-neutral economy and generates clean prosperity for generations to come.